166 Pine Street, Abilene, TX
(325) 671-8317

In February 2006, DotFrontier became an auxiliary endeavor of the oldest continuous business in Abilene - the Abilene Reporter-News, which was founded on June 17, 1881.

The company's online roots go deep as well - to the late fall of 1994 when the Worldwide Web caught our attention. When the "Reporter Online" began updating news on the Web daily in February 1995, it was only the second such effort by a newspaper in the state of Texas.

The number of people using the Internet to research purchases and locate businesses is increasing at a fantastic rate. We know that more than half of those people who researched products or services on the Internet made their purchase at stores in their local area ("Top 10 Reasons to Advertise on a Newspaper Website").

So that's our purpose really - when those people (your potential customers) look to the Internet, we want to help them find your business.

Our "muscle" in making that happen is the vastly popular and its family of websites. More than 300,000 different people a month visit more than 450,000 different times to see millions of pages and "consume" even millions more banner impressions and other advertising creative (examples). That web presence means 6-to-7 times the clout of our nearest local online competitor.

We provide a wide range of Internet marketing solutions for clients large and small, with dedicated customer service that advertisers in the Big Country region of Texas will receive nowhere else.

By presenting local marketing answers, plus pursuing development of new online products and services, we complement our parent company's long-standing reputation as the most powerful advertising tool in Abilene.

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