Doll-Fin Dynamics Web Design & Internet Marketing
Doll-Fin Dynamics Web Design & Internet Marketing
P.O. Box 671
Natalia, TX. 78059
Office 830-663-5689
Cell 830-265-8222

Learning web design has been a hobby for a few years starting around 2003. First I tried with html editors and soon became discouraged due to editors wanting to add code to my work so I started learning to write the html code myself.

My first website was put online in 2005 and consisted of e-commerce capabilities and at this point, web design was still just a hobby.

Building our future family website, (in many forms), was a big learning experience for me, experimenting with this and was a lot of fun actually creating things on the screen from my own imagination.

My family and I moved to Natalia in 1996 and have truly enjoyed the small town atmosphere. Driving to San Antonio has become a regular duty when looking to acquire special items or when it is still early in the evening when most all local stores are closed already in the nearby towns.

One afternoon I spent over an hour on my computer looking for something locally and grew so frustrated with the directories and lack of local information that the internet supplied.

My passion for wanting to find what I was looking for was very intense, but the internet could not supply me with what I needed within my town or the neighboring towns.

My severe frustration soon turned to needing a solution to my predicament. I realized that if I was going through this lack of accurate local information, others must be faced with the same problems.

I didn't care much for any directory that I searched in leading me all around the world. It was at this point that I started developing a business directory for the small town of Devine Texas and soon developed a directory for several nearby towns.

With my extreme passion for dolphins, the company name Doll-Fin Dynamics was born.

It took me about six months to develop this network of small town directories and then I went out to the local businesses and started building full page ads in these directories for each of the businesses that wanted one.

I was soon asked by several business owners if I would be interested in building their websites.

Now I am selling full page ads in the City Limits Directories and building business websites upon request.

My wife Dianna has since learned the art of web design and assists in site development and site updates. We would love to develop yours!

Copyright © 2005-2009 Doll-Fin Dynamics Web Design & Internet Marketing A Texas Website Design Company. All Rights Reserved.
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