Creative Web Ideas (CWI)
Creative Web Ideas (CWI)
6713 Viscount Boulevard
Suite C, El Paso,
Texas 79925
Toll Free: 1-800-832-9CWI
Sales & Info: 915-843-1223
Fax: 915-843-1225


Creative Web Ideas (CWI) has been in business for over 12 years now, and has experienced just about all the trends the internet has gone through.
Our goal is simple; help Small to Medium sized companies leverage the internet to their competitive advantage.
CWI brings you the level of service and attention to detail normally only afforded to larger companies with top advertising agencies at their disposal.

Originally founded by 2 students in 1997, CWI is still a growing business today, consulting with hundreds of professionals both online and in person, from 3 office locations. Creative Web Ideas is the sister company to, and focuses on providing agency quality Creative Services to small businesses, while CWI Hosting handles the technical infrastructure aspects that websites require. This unique blend of experience allows us to provide complete solutions for all of our client's online needs. Our membership to the BBB and our participation in the RatePoint verification and customer feedback system ensures you that we are a provider you can count on. Our unique development process ensures your complete satisfaction.


CWI Internet Marketing & Website Promotion

The biggest problem that most small and medium businesses have when it comes to their website is proper internet marketing and promotion. It may be well designed, fast loading, and very relevant to your visitors, but if no one can find your website; your efforts are truly in vain. All of the work, time and money that you have put into your website will not pay off without targeted visitors being directed to it.

The internet has changed and grown by staggering levels over the years. Just having a website is no longer enough to guarantee your share of the traffic. Gone are the days where all you had to do was build a site, get a few links, and enjoy a free ride as people found your site. The massive exponential growth of the World Wide Web has made finding your average site like finding a needle in a haystack.

Services promising to blast your traffic, list you in thousands of search engines and indexes, and promising you top results in just a few days simply do not work and further complicate the matter. This leaves many small business owners not knowing where to turn or what to do next to take their online business presence to the next level. Now small and medium businesses have a partner they can trust to help them achieve their online goals.


At CWI we believe a comprehensive approach geared specifically towards your business needs and unique market is key. There is no single magic bullet when it comes to website promotion. We find a combined approach works best in most situations. CWI also understands that your website should be an integral part of your business, not a stand alone platform or total replacement of existing business practices. After considering your goals, competitors and budget, an overall strategy is presented. Some items that CWI can help you with include:

1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) to make your website more search friendly
2. Pay Per Click (PPC) campaign management with Google and Yahoo
3. Link building and online networking strategies
4. Regional/local online strategies
5. Website business integration
6. Design of promotional print materials
7. Offline website promotion strategies
8. Social Media Advertising and Strategies

Contact CWI today to see how we can help grow your business!

Copyrights © Creative Web Ideas 2008. All rights reserved.
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