The Kim Tinkham
The Kim Tinkham
Starbucks Office, 809 US Hwy 380, Decatur, TX
(817) 291-8465

Most small businesses don't need help with the day to day operations. More than likely the owner is skilled in that particular facet of their business. They know how to do what brought them into the business in the first place. Most business owners need help getting and keeping customers. After all, without customers there is no need to be in business. That's where I come in. With my extensive background in sales, marketing and customer service I help you build your business by helping you get more customers and keeping the ones you have. Sound good so far?

How do I do that? I meet with you (in person, over the phone, over the internet - it is your choice - you are in control). Business owners are busy people so we will work around your schedule.

There are five things I work together with YOU to find out. Yes, you are involved and I will ask a lot of questions and ask you to give, find and explain a lot of answers. By the time we are finished with our first session you will know your business a little better and may even see a light at the end of that tunnel that you have been digging yourself into.

Together we will get to ...

1. KNOW YOUR BUSINESS. I find out what your business is all about. Why you do what you do. What are you doing well right now and what needs improvement? What makes you different from other businesses?

2. KNOW YOUR BRAND. All businesses have a brand. What makes you recognizable to the general public? I help you determine what it is, what people expect from it and what you need to do with it.

3. KNOW YOUR COMPETITION. I work with you to find out who your competition is, what makes them your competition, how they do business and what will make you better than them.

4. KNOW YOUR CUSTOMER. Not everyone is your target market. I help you find out who your customer is and why they use you and not someone else. I also find out from your customers what they think about doing business with you and how their experience with you can be improved.

5. KNOW YOUR CHALLENGES. You can't manage what you don't measure. So often business owners don't even know where to begin to fix a problem; I help you put processes in place to measure your results and then we work together to solve your challenges.

Once we are able to pinpoint these five things, then I can work with you on a regular basis to help you grow your business whether it is building it for a lucrative exit (selling it) or keeping it in the family (leaving a legacy for future generations). What a great decision to be able to make!

If we run into a challenge that can't be solved through better marketing and sales training, then I can bring in an expert in that field. Don't worry; we will work to find solutions to your challenges. I have put together a team of highly skilled individuals that we can call upon to fulfill your needs in the areas of:

•internet presence and social media
•customer service training
•ad and sales material graphics design
•image consulting and business etiquette
•audio and video marketing (radio/television)
•human resources/personnel management and payroll
•stress management
•customer retention and gifts
•medical marketing and coaching
Interested? Give me a call or shoot me an email today.

Contact Information
817-291-8465 817-291-8465

P.O. Box 521
Boyd, Texas 76023

"Don't wish it were easier, wish you were better."
Jim Rohn

To market effectively you have to have a website!
Get your domains and websites from someone I use and trust.
You can build you own websites or we can provide you with someone to do it for you.
Sign up now!

.Content copyright 2000-2009. The Kim Tinkham Group. All rights reserved.
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