Stephen Wesley Agency
Stephen Wesley Agency
3623 Walsh St,
Bacliff TX 77518

The Stephen Wesley Agency is a Houston/Galveston, Texas based marketing company. Our clients are local and national business owners. We know that as a business owner, you have specific marketing strategies in place - or would like to see in place. But, you wouldn't go to a plumber to have your pants hemmed. Why go it alone when it comes to marketing your business. We assist in developing marketing strategies tailored to your unique needs in the industry.

Susan Widmer, president of SWA, majored in marketing and received her BBA from the University of Houston - Clear Lake. She is now back at UHCL pursuing her Master's degree.

"I've always been in marketing in some aspect or another since, oh, at least the age of 5, when I created my own little Barbies® and accessories 'trader's village'. I didn't know it then but I was well on my way to a career in marketing!"

After spending time in the trenches - outside sales, insides sales, commission only sales, PR, telemarketing, market research, promotions, event planning, event staffing, press writing, design and development for hard copy, design and development for web sites, and the ever popular, get-me-through-college - BARTENDER!, Susan had an epiphany. Whilst driving down FM 2004, the thought occurred, intermingled with 'career-going-nowhere?' frustration - "Why not do it yourself?" It was as if a light bulb had just turned on - literally!! Indeed! Why not? So, that is what she did. It has been nearly two years since Stephen Wesley Agency opened it's doors and amidst the ups, downs, twists, and unknowns of starting a business, there has been endless joy, rewards and excitement.

We are looking forward to many years of ongoing education, expansion and unsurpassed service to our clients, community and friends.

Web Site Services

SWA offers personal attention and direct communication throughout the entire creative process. The initial approach will determine our focus and includes a basic design consult, a content consult, keyword term & phrase report, hosting set up, email set up and 2 weeks 'tweak' time once the site is live.
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